First of all I would like to Congratulate our brave soldiers for winning the 59 hours' battle against evil terrorist in Mumbai. My heartiest salute to them and my tearful condolence to all the martyrs who sacrificed their precious life only to make our coming days better.
This is not the first time when bloody terrorists attacked our country. India has a long history of these same bloody activities. BUT very recently the intensity of these attacks have increased. Delhi, Jaipur, Bengalore, Ahemdabad, Guwahati, Mumbai--every where innocent citizens' life were taken by these terrorists. And what is happning after all these incident, politicians blaming each other, announcing packages to the victims, and thats all!!!! they are only trying to strengthen their vote bank! So, ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!!
Wake up India!!!!! Wake up youths!!! This is enough ! Mumbai is free thats true, but at the cost of 190 innocent people's life, 20 brave soldiers' sacrifice and that too against only 10 terrorists' blood! And again the same picture, politicians coming out of home all after every thing is over, shouting on each other, distributing packages! Can the bring back those more than 200 priceless lives at the cost of their money? Whether they can bring back the smiles on the faces who lost their loved ones in this Tragedy???? NO NO NO! AND THATS ENOUGH !!!!
IF WE DO NOT WAKE UP NOW, THEN WE WILL BE PAYING A LOT FOR THIS IN FUTURE. STILL we need to won the battle against bloody terrorism nationwide. And for this we need a clean leader not a selfish politician. You could be one such leader my friend. Just contribute as par your capacity or creativity in this national revolution against dirty politics in India. Just AVOID THESE UNFAITHFUL POLITICIAN......