Source: DX_India Yahoo Group.
DX India is a email based group of radio hobbyists specializing on broadcasting in India.
It was founded on October 1, 2001. Several activities are scheduled to celebrate the 10th anniversary of DX India.
DX India Contest
The details of the contest are as follows:
Contest Period: From 0000 UTC 1 October 2011 to 2359 UTC 10 October 2011.
It was founded on October 1, 2001. Several activities are scheduled to celebrate the 10th anniversary of DX India.
DX India Contest
The details of the contest are as follows:
Contest Period: From 0000 UTC 1 October 2011 to 2359 UTC 10 October 2011.
Monitor as many SW stations of All India Radio (AIR) as possible.
Prepare Reception Reports for each AIR station on separate sheets.
Download the reception report format here :
Prepare Reception Reports for each AIR station on separate sheets.
Download the reception report format here :
Points are calculated depending upon the location of the Dxer as follows:
Europe & Africa : 2 Points per AIR station
North & South America : 3 points per AIR station
Prizes: Awards for Top scoring Three Entries
- World Radio TV Handbook 2012 for top scoring entry from South Asia
- Danish SW Club Intl’s Domestic Broadcasting Survey-13
- Book “This is All India Radio” by U.L.Baruah
- Joe Carr’s Antenna Handbook
- DX India 10th Anniversary T-Shirts
- Special Postal covers from India on Communication
- Rare special cover on platinum jubilee of All India Radio
- Other prizes to be announced soon
In addition a Participation Certificate will be issued to all those who send entries.
The Reception reports received will be forwarded to All India Radio for possible QSL'ing.
Send the entries by post/email postmarked before 31st October 2011
Address: DX India 10th Anni. Contest, PO Box 4914, New Delhi 110029, India.
Results will be declared in December 2011.
Note: Out of 29 AIR SW stations, 25 are currently active. The detailed schedules are available at:
- The Danish Shortwave Club International
- DX India
- Radioactivity
DX India special broadcast via AWR Wavescan
In the AWR Wavescan program to be broadcast on 2nd October 2011, there will be a special segment about 10th Anniversary of DX India.
The schedule of AWR Wavescan is:
1200-1230 UTC 17535 Wertachtal
1330-1400 UTC 11880 Guam
1430-1500 UTC 11720 Guam
1500-1530 UTC 11720 Guam
1530-1600 UTC 15255 Wertachtal
1600-1630 UTC 11805 Guam, 12035 Guam
1630-1700 UTC 11740 Guam
Also via WRMI.
Special QSL Cards will be issued for the same. Send your reception report at :
Address: DX India 10th Anni. QSL, PO Box 4914, New Delhi 110029, India.
DX India special via Amateur Radio
BCDXers who are hams are requested to be on band for a friendly meeting on air on 1st October 2011, Saturday(10th anniversary of Dx India) and contact / monitor VU2JOS as follows.
0130-0200 UTC (7.00 am to 7.30 am IST) : 7073 kHz, LSB
1230-1300 UTC (6.00 pm to 6.30 pm IST) : 14160 kHz USB
Special QSL Cards will be issued for the same. Send your reception report at :
Address: DX India 10th Anni. QSL, PO Box 4914, New Delhi 110029, India.
Looking forward to your participation !
Jose Jacob & Alokesh Gupta
DX India YG
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